A trademark or trade mark is a distinctive sign of
some kind which is used by an individual, business
organization or other legal entity to uniquely
identify the source of its products and/or services
to consumers, and to distinguish its products or
services from those of other entities. A trademark
is a type of industrial property, and typically
comprises a name, word, phrase, logo, symbol,
design, image, or a combination of these elements.
Trademark Services
We provide the full range of trademark protection
and brand management services including:
- Filing of Trademark applications
- Replying to the objections of Trademark
- Liasioning & representation before the
Trademark Registry.
- Trade mark litigation on both a national and
international level;
- Arbitration and other forms of alternative
dispute resolution
- Effective brand protection by developing and
implementing opposition and cancellation
- Advising on protection of brands from misuse
on the internet through cyber squatting, hyper
linking, typo piracy, metatags and framing
- Commercial transactions involving trade marks
including licensing, Franchising etc.